August 9, 2012

Tutorial For How To Make Your Own Origami Paper!

There are 10 different designs in total which I showed in the two videos. I plan to make maybe one or two more before the summer is over. Obviously the paper isn't perfect - it's made with watercolor and acrylic paint, but it's a unique way to add designs to your paper of your choosing and it just looks cool. Tea-dyeing is also featured in the first video. I used regular old printer paper in each design so that everyone can create them because I know that not everyone has access to real origami paper.

Watercolor techniques + Tea dyeing

Acrylic Techniques

Thank you for your time.

May 10, 2012

My Origami Gallery

Not only do I sew, another hobby I am dedicated to is origami. I'm certain that everything I made here I learned from Youtube, except for the one picture with the 3 boxes near the bottom.

These pictures are also in video form, and the links to the tutorials are in the description bar: 


Origami Loop


Modular boxes

 Butterfly Sonobe

Curler Icosadodecahedron

Blue Angel

 Columbus cubes disassembled

Columbus cubes stacked

Origami Helica

F-18 plane

Origami book

Interlocked modular cubes


Neko cats

 Flower globes

Can't remember the name but it's similar to a mandragora

Modular Box

Modular Box

Modular Box close up



 Interlocking modular cubes

Modular rose cube


 Icosahedron Variation
Close up


Flower ball

 Shirt and tie


Icosahedron Variation

February 20, 2012

Newspaper dress + accessories

Not the easiest project in the world. I made this for my schools Sno Week dress up day which was DIY day/Recycle day. I had to make the skirt detachable seeing as I couldn't exactly sit in it. What is pictured is the dress (it's in 2 parts) and a belt. The skirt and belt are entirely newspaper, tape, and a few snaps for the belt. What is not pictured is my shoes and a purse. I also covered a headband, necklace, and earrings which are pictured.

Top Part